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Profile your cucumber tests!

Just released a new gem cucumber_characteristics to fully profile your cucumber test runs with the goal of understanding exactly where your test time is going. This is not a formatter and should drop into your existing setup transparently.

For each step execution the following is reported - Location of definition & regex - Step usage location and number of times executed (background/outline etc) - Counts for success/failure/pending/etc - Total time taken in test run along with average, fastest, slowest times per step For each feature the following is reported - Location and time taken to run feature - Result and number of steps run - Breakdown of feature by individual example run if a Scenario Outline. There is also added support to list out all unused steps in a cucumber test run to aid step curation. Be aware if you are only running a specific test set, for example via a TAG as you will get a larger number of unused steps than are ‘true’ unused steps.


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