RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Planet Jekyll - All the News About the Static Site Generator in Ruby - New Feeds Welcome

I’ve setup Planet Jekyll - a public news site (feed reader/aggregator) for Jekyll - the static site generator in Ruby (that also powers GitHub Pages). The planet feed list is a plain text file on GitHub, that is, jekyll.ini. You’re welcome to add new feeds or suggest new sub planet sites (moons?). Planet Jekyll itself is powered by the pluto gem. Happy Planet. Happy Festivus. Merry Christmas. Seasons Greetings. Cheers


Hi Gerald, that’s great stuff. Cool beans! 😃👍 Is there a RSS/atom feed somewhere? Keep up the great work! ✌️

Good point. Thanks. The Planet Jekyll is just getting started. Sorry for now the a planet (aggregate) feed is missing; will get added later. Cheers.

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