RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Ruby Enterprise Edition 20081205 released

This release includes many enhancements, such as proper support for OS X, Solaris and 64-bit, as well as more garbage collector enhancements. See the full announcement.


502 Bad Gateway nginx/0.6.32

is the link a joke from the crew at Phusion? ;)

@hardbap: We were having some server trouble. Disk space was full, MySQL went down and so we had to take the blog offline for half an hour.

As for the nginx error message: the blog is powered by Wordpress, hosted on Apache, living behind an nginx reverse proxy. Some people confuse this as being “not eating our own dog food”, but that’s not the case. Our Rails applications are hosted on Apache/Passenger, but it is still proxied behind nginx. This blog post explains it in more detail:

@FooBarWidget: I have no doubts about the Phusion team dogfooding. I was just playing around and I’m sorry if you thought I was giving you guys crap (thought the smiley face would let you guys now I was just kidding).

Sorry to hear about the hardware troubles and thank you for Passenger and REE!

No offense taken. :) Just wanted to explain the situation. Thanks for the praise!

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