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New Rubinius Experiments Yield 4x Performance Increase

You thought Rubinius was dead? You’re wrong! Brian Ford reports on some new tweaks that have increased performance by over 4x. Update: Make that a 2x increase. Sorry!


Honestly? I still think Rubinius is dead.

The blog post says 4x (specifically 4.1 to 4.4 times faster)… why make that 2x?

Sporkmonger: There sure is a lot of github activity for a dead project…

Brian: A follow up post corrects his figures.

What I like about Rubinius is that they’re actually reading up on modern VM architectures, and applying it. There’s a ton of optimizations that can be done, and YARV just doesn’t even try to go there with respect to even well understood optimizations for dynamic languages… I suspect we’ll see a lot more interesting stuff coming out of them.

doesn’t that make Rubinius the fastest ruby now? Or is JRuby still the quickest fellow.

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