RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

How to make people lose interest in your project, and stop them from contributing in 5 easy steps

This blog post is a simple tutorial, on what to do, to stop people from contributing to Your open source project. (Sorry for repost, but looks like Ruby Flow ate headline, and someone who readed it had no idea what it is about)


Well done. Your post demonstrates that grammatical and spelling errors cause an immediate loss of interest. Good luck in the future.

Hey swistak, you can correct your grammer mistake by changing “loose” to “lose”.

@kikkoman: As you could probably see, I’m not natvie english speaker. If you have any suggestions, comments, please feel free to point them out.

@filmprog: thank you, done :)

@swistak - My apologies for the snarky comment. It is true, however, that well written posts will encourage interest in an audience, whereas badly written posts will discourage interest. If possible, I’d recommend running your posts past a native English speaker. This will help you become a better speaker and writer of English and make your writing more interesting to your intended audience.

Again, my apologies for the previous comment. Thanks for reminding me to be more constructive in my criticism.

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