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gemfeed: Keep track of your gems in your sleep lets you keep track of the gems you use. Sign up for an account, subscribe to gems, and receive RSS notifications when new versions are released.


this is almost a good idea, but its not integrated enough, i have a better idea

I’d love to build this functionality into Gemcutter. If you’re interested, let me know! :)

“and receive RSS notifications when new versions are released.”

This looks nice and useful, but I get most of this functionality by running gem outdated periodically. I’m not sure how much more I get from this web service?

its a bit of a hassle to subscribe to all the gems that are installed. why not give a textfield that accepts the output of gem list and then give s the option to unsubscribe to unwanted ones? Or, a rubygems plugin á la gem install gemfeed && gem feed --all

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