RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Open-Sourcing RubyFlow?

Today I realized this app doesn’t have a search function yet, and I wonder if it’s possible to contribute to Rubyflow? Wouldn’t it be great to host it on Github and see what the community will make out of it?


I think it works because it’s dead simple and controlled. I’m not aware of any good precedents of online communities whose software was controlled by large numbers of people, but I could be wrong.

I am not dead set against the idea, however, so if people want to discuss it, feel free. I may be convinced!

By the way, there’s a “kinda” search function.

It’s not very good and it’s not public because it was never finished. It does give a basic functionality though. Replace “test” with whatever you want to search for. It only searches titles, not post content.

Good to know about the search-function.

You could host it at Github though, and only pull in code that looks okay to you, so you’d keep control of it.

I am thinking of additions like the mentioned search (searching content would be important for me), maybe a edit-button for posts of registered users. And perhaps there are some designers out there who’d like to spice up the layout a bit.

Textile-support (with preview) would also be nice I think.

Btw, thanks for shortening my post, and I wanted to do edit it myself, when I realized it kinda messed up the index-view. So open-sourcing could even save you some editing-work :)

don’t mess with the layout, its great simple as it is!!! (I read it from my iPhone)

Well. Open sourcing would be good idea, people vould add features they think should be supported, and you can pull what you think should work.

Adding better captcha so we don’t get hotel advertisement, would be good idea :)

Releasing the source code of the application would also give people the ability to quickly setup e.g. with the same layout as the main (english) version.

And okay, I can see that messing with the layout is propably not the best idea - maybe only if you can choose a different layout with a combo-box or something, but don’t force it.

I’m another in support of open sourcing it.

Isn’t slashdot open source from memory? (or at least large parts of it)


Opening up sources means other people will create many other “Ruby flows” but it is not about software. It is about content present at original rubyflow. If it is good enough, people won’t leave and most likely nobody will even put a clone online.

So I think as long as rubyflow and rubyinside (in minds of many people they are closely connected) has relevant content, problem of “forks” is not really a problem for original rubyflow.

The application is quite simple, you of course can do requested things on your own. But it may be an interesting experiment.

Another idea is to create an API so people can post to original rubyflow from other places, but content is still distributed to RubyInside home page => you get ad views and stuff.

Hi Peter, If the source is available, I would like to put up a chinese version, same site, but with all chinese content.

Having the source on github would be a great idea. Then other people (such as myself) could help to improve the experience.

No need to open source. However if you want to post the interface for Search, maybe someone can hack together a Search class/client for you.

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