RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Why we should drop 1.8 support in Rails 3.

Here’s why I think we should only support Ruby 1.9 with the Rails 3.0 release.


posted here as his blog site disallows comments from users behind proxies.

Hmm. One reason not to force an upgrade is that rubinius and ironruby and jruby aren’t “1.9 compatible” yet.

Besides that I’m all for it. If you need the debugger to work, try ‘ruby-debug19’. ruby-prof has just become 1.9 compatible. Hopefully these things will help.

That being said, if people “need” more speed or “want” more speed, and it’s worth it to them, I think the barriers are down enough for them to upgrade. If they want (or to jruby or rubinius or what not).

@Shanna: checkout the ‘backports’ gem–it helps quite a bit with running 1.9 code in 1.8



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