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Preconditions and Postrelations on your methods with Gendarme

I have just released a beta version of Gendarme. It began as an experiment for annotating methods (i.e: add metadata to them), so I went thru a complete exercise and built Gendarme. [more inside]


This is wrong on so many levels I don’t have enough space to begin!

Bit long for the front page so I’m pasting the source part here..

class Foo   include Gendarme::Gendarme   precondition(0,"Arg 0 (bar) is a String") { |bar| bar.respond_to?(:to_str) }   def foo(bar)     ... Calling will write This precondition is false: Arg 0 (bar) is a String to the logger.

This does not replace a test suite, the usage is completely different (plus it’s an experiment).

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