RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

MacRuby 0.10 Released

Laurent Sansonetti has released MacRuby 0.10, the latest version of the Mac OS X-focused Ruby implementation. 0.10 is the latest stepping stone on the way to a forthcoming 1.0 release and includes XCode 4 support and an improved macruby_deploy system.


Can’t wait to get my hands on it. Was playing around with 0.9 last night.

Just installed all the gems I normally use with no problems, first blush looks like a great release…

The bombing came amid a nationwide alert triggered by the discovery of at least three packages, in three different towns, that contained bombs. And it follows allegations by the Tamil Tigers, who are fighting for an independent Tamil homeland in northern Sri Lanka, that government forces had killed 16 civilians in an attack on rebel-held territory in the Wanni region Friday.

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