RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Speeding Up Rails' Startup Time, Big Time

Xavier Shay has put together a blog showing how he’s tweaked Ruby’s require in Ruby HEAD to be a lot more efficient, with the result of Rails 3.0 app startup times being significantly improved. My own experience testing out this patch resulted in a 36% reduction in app startup time - nice!


This is definitely great news. Though, I’m a little worried about whether this’ll make it in to Ruby. Maybe if it’s simple enough and doesn’t have any drawbacks. A while ago I’ve been looking in to various topics regarding Ruby’s GC and Phusion’s REE from a long time ago. Things weren’t merged back in to Ruby even though it only had a slight performance impact. This is sad, especially since there’s a lot of ruby-based web apps out there that could really use a copy-on-write friendly garbage collector to significantly reduce memory consumption when forking processes. Well worth the minor performance impact in my opinion.

Nonetheless, great find! I find that the Rails 3 environment boots up so ridiculously slow, would love to see this merged back in to Ruby.

Great, I have to try this. Rails3 biggest weakness is without a doubt the time it takes to load.

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