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RubyGems + Bundler Integration

I just released rubygems-bundler integration gem. No more calling bundler install --binstubs or bundler exec .... Install it by calling gem install rubygems-bundler and follow the on-screen instructions. Current version 0.1.5 allows recreating executables wrappers for all gems in GEM_PATH (include @global gemset for rvm). Note: This gem allows to use binaries in version specified by Gemfile ;)


I’m not sure I understand exactly what problem this solves. Is it just so you don’t have to type bundle exec? Why not just use an alias on your shell, shorten it to something like app.

alias app=’bundle exec’ app unicorn # or whatever

Or is there something more to this that I am missing.

@dd anything that reduces this complexity is an extremely valuable effort.

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