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“Yehuda was right: Steak is a scam”

The slides from my lightning talk at Conferencia Rails 2011 fully annotated for your personal enjoyment


Awesome slides, man. Good idea behind Steak, as well. I was already looking into it, but now I’ll look into it more.

Great slides, thanks for annotating them, I hope that becomes regular practice for speakers.

More specifically, Steak is obsolete. Capybara now includes a Steak-like acceptance testing DSL which took me all of about 5 minutes to switch it :-)

Not mentioning you mix acceptance and unit testing.

@PeterCooper that’s not exactly true. Steak, as a gem, might still be handy thanks to several conveniences: Rails generators, Rake tasks… (more about it in the project’s README)

I still use it with my new projects but, of course, you don’t really need it. You never did.

@julian7 I’m not sure I get what you mean. Acceptance tests are one thing, unit tests are other different thing and I don’t see anyone mixing anything here.

Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t be using Capybara near any unit testing ;-)

I don’t see the benefit in adding another dependency to a project to get some generators or Rake tasks (given how incredibly simple request/acceptance testing is with Capybara) but, certainly, YMMV.

Actually it is one dependency less in your Gemfile (just Steak). (one dependency more in your Gemfile.lock)

Sorry for being picky. The point of my talk has nothing to do with any of this.

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