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Puffer the Admin Interface

Aloha, i’ve just launched the Puffer project. It is a rails >= 3.1 admin interface builder. Here it is: puffer

Main features * Supports different ORM’s through orm_adapter (at the moment - full AR support and partial Mongoid). * It is really flexible because of components ideology (components are the most similar to apotomo widgets). * It configures through controllers DSL and has routing-based resource hierarhy. * It supports hierarhical models (nested_set, ancestry) from the box. * It has it’s own light CMS engine (puffer pages).


I’d quite like to see some screenshots and interesting opinions on why to use it over things like simple_admin (which I use often.)

Puffer demo, but it is not relevant now. It’ll be updated soon.

Also, you can do this: git clone git:// cd puffer bundle cd spec/dummy rake db:create db:migrate rails s

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