RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

New RubyStack support Rails 3.1

We have just released a new version of BitNami RubyStack that supports Rails 3.1. BitNami RubyStack is an easy one-click installer for Windows, OS X and Linux. It is self-contained and independent so you can install it without modifying your system. You can also download Virtual Appliances or run the Cloud Images in Amazon AWS.

The new 2.3 version includes the following updated components:

* Ruby 1.9.2-p290
* Rails 3.1  (of course!)
* PHP 5.3.8 (optional)
* Apache 2.2.19
* Passenger 3.0.9 
* and many more updated packages that you can check in the <a href="" rel="nofollow" >Changelog</a>.

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