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Tutorial and Example App for Rails with Subdomains

My RailsApps tutorials and starter apps have been well-received (thanks!) and today I completed a new one. You can find the example app for Rails 3.1 Subdomains in the GitHub repo. The Rails 3.1 Subdomains Tutorial is in the GitHib wiki and you can find an application template for a Rails starter app on GitHub as well. The example app shows how to build an app with “Basecamp-style” use of subdomains using Mongoid for a datastore and Devise for authentication. As always, please try it, copy, fork and submit issues so all may benefit.


Not sure if you based this from anything but the solution is very similar to a blog post I wrote over a year ago:

@bcardarella, yes, your blog post on “Custom Subdomains in Rails 3” was very helpful, specifically the implementation of the Subdomain class for constraining routes. I’ve included a thank you and a link to your blog in the example app README and tutorial (sorry to have missed the credit earlier). Thank you!

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