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Ruby UDP DNS Server in 1 File

After seeing some similar attempts in Python, I decided to create a simple Ruby-based DNS server. It supports A and CNAME records. It’s ripe for refactoring and you could easily attach it to a data store (like, say, Redis) or be used to do various DNS tricks.


Consider RubyDNS for anything more serious though ;-)

Meh, RubyDNS is crippled by GPLv3

@apeiros, GPL does not prevent you from downloading, installing or using the source-code. Don’t let License Prejudice hinder you.

Also the GPLv3 fixed a lot of the problems with GPLv2.

@postmodern, no, GPL3 made a lot of what was bad about GPL2 even worse and I refuse to even touch code defiled by it. There isn’t the slightest bit prejudice in my judgment.

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