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In defense of Rails

In defense of Rails: I just wrote my reply to Adam Hawkins’ - “moving on from rails”


Crappy post, from core to surface.

The guy is not even attacking Rails, he is just saying it does not fit his needs, so what defense does it need? Someone saying it is fun?

“As for Ruby, the 1.9x version is fast and slick” –really? faster than what?

The original post sounds like someone learning about enterprisey concepts from the rails community (which is kind of ironic), and realizing that form_for is inappropriate for modern web development, because that kind of stuff isn’t being done on the server side anymore. It is thoughtful, and actually comes off a little bit sad in a nostalgic kind of way, as the guy is realizing that the thing he has invested loads of time into is becoming less and less important to him. The response sort of comes off as “You are wrong, because rails is really great at server side stuff”, which totally doesn’t address anything that the original author was actually saying.

I am nt sure why someone want to write such a negative post, […] Why don’t you write how much you enjoy the new JackRobinson(tm) technology […]

So true, I am curious, why so many people like writing about negative things and doing rants (maybe they just had bad day at the office). I think the point of this defence was to remind why we like Rails and why it’s still good. And in general I liked

@Anon or whoever you are

It takes some time for developers to realize, that solutions make money, not technolgy without a product. So if you have a product idea that needs market validation, one should use the most common and most risk-free technology that does the job and that he’s familiar with.

that’s why i still think Rails is the best path for approx. 99% of all web apps in their early stage until the business model is verified and scaling becomes an issue. Most of all projects will never reach that stage.

People do not buy a service because the underlaying app is done in node.js, backbone.js or rails. It’s about time to market, time for iteration and technology risk (including availability of qualified people on the market, try to find a couple of backbone.js experts in your region).

Even if that sounds very uncool to all of us early adopters who are eager to use every new bit we can find. But that’s not how the business works.

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

@Anon I agree with you. Furthermore in the original post, the author says that now he can break rails into parts in order to suit his needs. For other needs of his, he uses other technology. He does not even criticise Rails in a negative way!

@brad s/Hammer/Duct tape/

You can fix a lot of things with duct tape. Shift the introtuction of a highly expensive and complex tool until you really need it. Why nobody read “Getting Real” …

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