RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Introducing Gemfury - It's Dropbox for Rubyists

We’ve just launched Gemfury: Private Gem Server cloud service. If you have packaged some private code into RubyGems, but have had problems deploying them to your hosts, Heroku, or other cloud platforms, I recommend you find out more about us.


Haha. Heroku works too, but I was shooting for a Mom-ready analogy. (Hi, Mom!)

Refactoring is one reason (definitely makes your unit tests run faster when you split them into Gems). Other reasons: some of my private Gems are open-source bound, but aren’t pretty-packaged yet. I also have a few temporary private versions of public gems, where I’ve patched something, submitted a pull request, but don’t want to depend on the Gem author for the next merge/release cycle.

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