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Ubuntu 12.04 Ruby on Rails Development Environment

I know I’m late to the party, but I just couldn’t find a guide that documented a rails setup the way that I needed it to, so I just posted an updated Ruby on Rails setup guide for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Precise Pangolin.

The guide includes the basic rails setup with rvm, ruby 1.9.3 and rails 2.3.6, but goes further by documenting postgresql config, some additional bash scripts for making developing easier, as well as some tools, such as gedit-gmate, sublime-text-2-beta, retext and vim configuration for rails development using janus.

If you’re already configured, there may be something you can pick up, but if you’re looking to set up a new system, look no further…Who needs a mac for rails development?


I think you talk about Rails 3.2.6…. not 2.3.6 :)

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