RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

3 Things You Could Know If You Read “Eloquent Ruby” by Russ Olsen

Ever wondered if you might miss something in Ruby? Ever had that feeling that Ruby could do something, but you don’t know how? Then I have three quick tips for you, taken straight from “Eloquent Ruby” by Russ Olsen. Read on to see what you could know if you read “Eloquent Ruby”.


If you tell me you speak English as a second language, then I might be willing to soldier through the really poor writing. Maybe. I sure don’t speak any second languages as well as you write English. But if English is your first language, man, come on.

Hey jrochkind!

I just stumbled by chance over your comment (didn’t even know that you could comment here!)

And yes, English is my second language. One reason to start the blog is actually to improve my English. You could make me very happy when you could point out a few specific points that I could improve on. :)


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