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Rails, Merb vs. Caffeine

Vancouver.rb Q&A with Sunny Hirai on Rails, Merb vs. Caffeine and Processor, Database and Storage Scaling, and More

With Caffeine, you can take any application you’ve built and, with no code changes, drop it into your new project. You could take somebody else’s forum app, for example, and use it in your project. Caffeine handles the differences between user models, database storage, file storage, templating, etc. To make it work, we had to rethink everything from routing, to the database, to the user model and in many cases the abstractions are in different places than Rails, Merb or other popular frameworks.


Sounds like gobbly gook until i see some code :)

Oh god here we go again. 10 years ago when PHP started taking off every man and his dog decided to build a CMS in it. This has all the hallmarks of another Bubble idea.

My new framework goes one better than Caffeine. It’s called Cocaine, and with Cocaine you can take any app ever developed on any platform, using any language, even including apps which were only partially implemented or even just mulled over quite a bit, and you can drop it into your project. Cocaine handles the differences between data abstractions, personalities, sexual preferences, file storage, templating, sexual preferences, syntax, bugs, user models, fashion models, and sexual preferences.

To make it work, we had many, many, many meetings in which we discussed the inner workings of Cocaine. We experimented with Cocaine, tested Cocaine over and over and over, and, due, we are STILL testing Cocaine. It’s AWESOME. Dude, you can take any app, EVER, even ones written for, like, virtual machines powered by hamsters, man, powered by freakin’ SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMERS, and Cocaine will totally run it. And what is up with that dude synchronized swimmer who was, like, fainting? Did you see that? What the hell, man? He’s, like, IN THE WATER but he’s DEHYDRATED? Talk about an irony free zone. Or something. Man, I’m thirsty. I am totally typing right now. I’ve got to stop. Somebody stop me! What is this about? Oh. Yeah. Cocaine. One point oh. That’s what I’m talkin’ about.

FYI: If you have questions about Caffeine you’re welcome to send them to the Vancouver.rb mailing list/forum. Sunny Hirai is a member and subscriber. Cheers.

So where is the code? All I could find is a php-based framework…and I’m guessing that’s not it….

Christian, fair enough. Just a note that it was an interview and not the announcement of the framework. The interview is broader than the Caffeine framework.

Rarepleasures, FYI, it’s not a CMS, it’s a framework and, like Merb, it’s designed to solve a very specific set of problems that other frameworks haven’t addressed yet. Packaging apps is just one of the problems we needed to solve. The other major ones were multi-threading, built-in clustering, and scalable back-end agnostic storage. Also, a note that this isn’t a pet project designed to explore ideas and theories as a student. Many months have already been spent on the framework itself. It’s based on my experience building the CityMax website builder which hosts tens of thousands of sites.

Believe me, I would much rather have used Rails or Merb as they are great but it didn’t solve the specific problems we needed to have solved for our particular project.

Woofdog, originally I had joked about calling it Ruby on Crack so your jest isn’t far off. Ultimately, I changed to the more politically correct Caffeine.

HeyHey, As mentioned in the interview, it is part of a production project like Rails was originally and is not as of yet open source. We would like to release to the open source community once it has stabilized.

What exactly was it that Rails or Merb were so incapable of achieving that it made sense to develop a new framework rather than contribute to one of those projects and add the desired functionality?

Woofdog you totally killed me. can i be core tester?

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