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Think twice before using active_admin!

Using the active_admin gem in the admin section can be a headache once the admin section becomes a little bigger. I have used inherited_resources in the past and have become a big fan of it. Would like thoughts and opinion. Please check the blog here


Why not point out the specific problems you ran into? Your post actually says very little more than what you have said in the above. Also, the gem is called interited_resources, not interitable_resources. Funny enough, that gem is actually used in activeadmin.

Actually, the gem is called inherited_resources. and yes, active_admin uses it under the hood as inherited_resources doesn’t fit the same use case as active_admin: dry up your controller while active_admin is a DSL to create admin interfaces. my 2 cents.

@rio517, @EppO: Thanks for the correction I have updated the gem name.

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