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Call for submissions: Ruby on Rails Interview Questions

Check out Toptal’s new community-driven list of great Ruby on Rails interview questions. We’ve begun with an initial sampling of questions. Read them, comment on them, or even contribute your own.

Toptal is pleased to provide this service to the community and welcomes your feedback.


Ruby on rails or Rails is a model-view-controller, server-side framework which is written in ruby. It provides a default structure for a database, web service and web pages. It makes use of web standards like JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, etc. for the transfer of data and also for displaying and user interfacing. It was developed by David Heinemeier Hansson on 13th December 2005. It even uses various software engineering patterns and paradigms some of them being- Convention over configuration (CoC), Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY), Active Record Pattern (ARP). It had a great influence on the web development since it had some innovative features and frameworks.

Here are some Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers

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