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Tutorial and Example App for OmniAuth and Mongoid

Daniel Kehoe’s detailed tutorial and example code for OmniAuth and Mongoid shows how to build a complete Rails 3 example app with OmniAuth and Mongoid. OmniAuth manages authentication using Twitter, Facebook, or many other service providers. MongoDB is used as a datastore with the Mongoid gem for quick development without schemas or migrations. This tutorial also gives you the option of using jQuery, Haml, RSpec and Cucumber, showing how to integrate each option. In addition to the tutorial, Kehoe provides a Rails application template you can use to generate a fully-functional starter app in minutes. Kehoe’s previous tutorials and example apps have been popular (as can be seen by the number of watchers and forks on GitHub) and include starter apps for “Mongoid and Devise” and “Devise with Subdomains”.

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