RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Updated BitNami RubyStack 1.8.7 and 1.9.3

We just updated BitNami RubyStack with Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.3 versions. It is a self-contained, easy to use distribution with one goal in mind: to make it simple to get started developing Ruby On Rails applications.

In addition to the Ruby runtime, it also ships RVM, Apache, MySQL, NGinx, Rails, Passenger, Git, Sphinx, Memcached and more. You can check all components and how to start with them in our new Quick Start Guide.

BitNami RubyStack is available in the form of free, ready-to-run installers for Windows, OS X and Linux, virtual machine images (VMs) and Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for the Amazon Cloud.

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