RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Announcing Echowrap, a Ruby interface to the Echo Nest API for doing cool things with music

I just launched Echowrap a wrapper to the Echo Nest API.

Here’s a partial list of the things you can do with it:

Analyze a track to find it’s key, energy level, danceability, acousticness, and whether it’s live or studio Break down a track by it’s sections, beats, and fractions of a beat Identify an unknown piece of music Search for artists using a wide variety of criteria and get in-depth info about an artist: The artist’s location Blogs associated witht the artist The artist Bio Numerical rating of how familiar the artist is Numerical rating of how “hot” the artist is News associated with the artist Reviews of work by the artist List songs by the artist Find other similar artists to a particular artist The artist’s twitter feed Videos of the artist Notable url related to artist Create taste profiles to track what you like Find more music that you may like based on your taste profile Create playlists based on your tastes

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