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Ruby Conferences 'n' Camps in 2019 Update - What's Upcoming in July? Aug? Sept? Oct?

Hello, I’ve updated the Ruby Conferences ‘n’ Camps in 2019 - What’s Upcoming? Calendar page @ Planet Ruby. What’s upcoming? The line-up includes: Thu-Fri Jul/25-27 (3d) - RubyConf Kenya @ Nairobi, Kenya ++ Fri+Sat Jul/26+27 (2d) - RubyConf Taiwan @ Taipei, Taiwan ++ Thu+Fri Aug/1+2 (2d) - Southeast Ruby @ Nashville, Tennessee, United States ++ Sat Aug/10 (1d) - Deccan RubyConf @ Pune, Maharashtra, India ++ Fri+Sat Sep/6+7 (2d) - RubyConf Thailand @ Bangkok, Thailand ++ Sat+Sun Sep/14+15 (2d) - Kyiv RubyC @ Kyiv, Ukraine ++ Fri+Sat Sep/20+21 (2d) - RubyConf Colombia @ Medellín, Colombia ++ Sun Sep/29 (1d) - RubyConf Indonesia @ Jakarta, Indonesia ++ Thu+Fri Oct/3+4 (2d) - Ancient City Ruby @ Jacksonville Beach, Florida, United States ++ Happy meeting up with rubyists in 2019. Cheers. Prost.

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