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[Gem] TAP Report Parser

This gem parses a TAP report per the specifications listed on Each of the tests has six attributes: number, description, status, directive, diagnostic and passing.

  • The number is the test number. If the number is not present, the parser maintains its own count.
  • The description is the text describing the test. If the description is not present, then its value is an empty string.
  • The status is represented by one of the four values: success (when test is passing), failure (when test is failing), skipped (when test is marked as skipped irrespective of success or failure), and ignore (when test is marked as todo irrespective of success or failure).
  • The directive is either skipped or todo.
  • The diagnostic is a YAML block or text. If it is YAML then its value is ruby Hash, otherwise, string. If the diagnostic is not present, then its value is an empty string.
  • The value of the passing is true if test status is either passing or ignored.

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