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Elixir/Unix style pipe operations in Ruby

This proof of concept demonstrates a concise/elegant syntax for pipelining and method composition!

-9.pipe { abs | Math.sqrt | to_i } #=> 3

[9, 64].map(&Math.pipe.sqrt)           #=> [3.0, 8.0]
[9, 64].map(&Math.pipe.sqrt.to_i.to_s) #=> ["3", "8"]

"".pipe do
  yield_self { |n| "Ruby has #{n} stars" }
#=> Ruby has 15120 stars

There’s been some recent discussions in the Ruby tracker related to method referencing and composition. The pipe_operator gem was created to propose an alternative syntax for this kind of behavior:

Is this something that you’d like to see in Ruby core? Please share your opinions!

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