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How to enable reusability for ActiveRecord::Base::normalizes

This article reviews the new normalizes feature in Ruby on Rails 7.1 and shows how to increase reusability by creating normalizer modules. I also opened a feature request to add support for ActiveModel, since ActiveRecord::Normalization only supports ActiveRecord, obviously. Please show your support.

I think having all this setup is quite an overkill for what you could do with a…
I like it. You should make a PR directly on Rails (the discussion board isn’t w…

Generate Free (Node) Punks for Presidents! (in 24px) With Ruby

Hello, a little update to the We Love Punks starter repo that let’s you generate 5000 (node) punks in 24px. I added more archetypes and accessories. Now you can generate (node) punks for presidents! (in ruby). Use the joe (biden) and/or donald (trump) readymades. Let’s make punks great again! Let’s finish the job! Are you with us? Happy pixel pushing with ruby.

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