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How to use ActiveRecord in a library

Ever wanted to use ActiveRecord in a pure Ruby library/gem, not in a Rails app or Rails Engine? In this blog post I walk through how to accomplish this and some of the gotchas which I encountered along the way. Covers how to connect to the database, define models, “connect” the models to the database, and how to run a directory of migrations, all without Rails. Example source code is also available on GitHub.

Glimmer DSL for LibUI Code Area (Ruby Tooling Future)

Brandon Weaver has recently contacted me to ask questions about Glimmer DSL for LibUI and said he was excited about the possibility of implementing Ruby syntax highlighting using Glimmer DSL for LibUI by leveraging the rouge gem. Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.5.8 ships with a rudimentary code_area syntax highlighting custom control (aka widget). [more inside]

How to find your Ruby Software Career Path with Mina Slater

We interviewed Mina Slater (@minaslater) about her progression from Ruby Apprenticeship to Senior Developer. With more than a decade of experience with theater management before becoming a Software Developer, Mina has been progressing in her career as she wanted. She even created her own role. In the week this episode was released, she was promoted to Senior Developer! [more inside]

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