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factbook gem & factbook.json 2020 Update - 260+ World Country Profiles / Datasets

Hello, Time flies! After some years I have finally updated the world factbook.json datasets and the “chrome-less” country profile web pages using the latest online country profile pages from the Official CIA World Factbook website. The web page structure has changed a little so I have updated the factbook page parser too - packaged up in the factbook-reader gem / library for easy (re)use. If you find anything of notice in the updated datasets, pages, parser, etc. please tell. Happy exploring the world. Cheers. Prost. PS: Geo Quiz: What’s the name of the country? ______ Hint: The country is landlocked; strategic location at the crossroads of central Europe with many easily traversable Alpine passes and valleys; major river is the Danube; population is concentrated on eastern lowlands because of steep slopes, poor soils, and low temperatures elsewhere.

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