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United Prosperity and Rails to Help Billions of Small Entrepreneurs

There are billions of small entrepreneurs all over the world who need a small loan to start or grow their businesses. However banks will not lend to them without collateral. Most of these small entrepreneurs are poor and have no collateral, thus they are denied access to capital which is so crucial to improving their lives. Read how United Prosperity that has built its site using Ruby on Rails is all set to help billions of small entrepreneurs.


There are roughly 6.7 billions of people in the world. Do you suggest that at least 1/3 of them are entrepreneurs? :)

The total working poor worldwide is estimated at 3 Billion of which 1.5 Billion are in need of microfinance , Refer : . Most of these people are working in the informal sector and have to rely on their ingenuity and own resources to earn their living. They typically have small informal local businesses and are referred to as entrepreneurs.



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