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Mobile - The next "big thing" for Ruby / Rails developers?

Why you’re drawn to mobile development: Rubyists are famous for trying new things, whether it’s Erlang, Haskell, Amazon’s cloud services, etc. Jon Dahl of RailsSpikes looks at why we’re drawn to mobile development and mentions prominent Rails developer Hampton Catlin’s successful iPhone app. Perhaps this post will encourage you to get some iPhone on your résumé? :)


I’ve been looking into mobile apps as a possible new opportunity, but was put off initially by Apple’s absolutely arbitrary conditions as to who/what gets to play on their device. That’s why I’ve been hoping Android gathers more traction. Mobile definitely looks interesting, I just don’t want build something and then have the platform vendor decide capriciously that my investment in time and resources was all for naught.

I’m all about some Android! My co-worker and I started up an Android developer’s group ( ) in our local city the day we got our G1’s :P

I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope to get JRuby running on the Android VM ( Dalvik )

I would love nothing more than to see the Ruby community embrace Android and get JRuby running on it so we can code Android apps in Ruby :)

That said, I also hope that we’ll be able to develop iPhone apps in [Mac]Ruby, once day.

Ruby is such a brilliant language for creating DSLs, we could make some truly amazing DSLs to make mobile development easy and FUN!

PhoneGap enables web apps with native access to the iPhone, Android and (soon) RIM.

Check it out:

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