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factbook gem in Action - Open World Factbook - 267 Country Profiles (incl. Maps n Flags )

Thanks to Eckhard Licher for assembling an open and modular easy-to-(re)use Open World Factbook offering many alternative formats to the one-and-only official CIA World Factbook version in semi-structured HTML pages.

You can get all 267 “raw” country ‘n’ territories profiles in JSON (/geos.json) - generated with the factbook RubyGem - or all flags (/flags.png) or all overview (/maps.png) or locator (/locator.png) maps. Or browse the Markdown (thanks to GitHub rendered to HTML) country profiles (/ - see Austria or Australia as examples - or (re)use the plain text (/geos.txt) or TeX (/geos.tex) versions. All data is public domain (no copyright, no rights reserved). Cheers.

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