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Marley, the blog engine without textareas

Have a look at Marley, a blog engine written in Sinatra framework, which has no administrative interface and silly s</code>, but stores content in plain-text files and comes with Capistrano tasks for setting up elaborate Git <em>post-receive hooks</em> to synchronize your content. See the <a href="" title="Introducing Marley, the blog engine without textareas []">introductory post</a> or <a href="" title="karmi's marley at master — GitHub">source code at Github</a> directly. It has <a href="" title="README.rdoc at master from karmi's marley — GitHub">instructive README</a> and has some basic <a href="" title="app/test/marley_test.rb at master from karmi's marley — GitHub">test coverage</a>.

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