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[Gem] I made a gem to build an interactive graph based on gem dependencies from your Gemfile

Please visit here . Constructive criticisms and suggestions welcome. Output is something like this


Pretty cool! I tried it out on one of my projects and I enjoyed visualizing the relationships.

I took a look at the code on Github, and three pieces of feedback on the code itself, in order of importance, IMO.

  1. Where are the tests?? No tests = no maintainability.
  2. Gemgrapher::Grapher#initialize is a 28-line imperative function. I’d consider embracing OO, extracting some private methods, and making the code more descriptive in the high-level. Code should read like a story.
  3. Tabs vs spaces. Ruby convention is to use two spaces, but the code contains both tabs and spaces.

Overall, great job!

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