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Krauter: A new router for Rails!

It’s less than five minutes old, but Jeremy McAnally has released krauter, a new router for Rails. It’s described as “Tiny (200 lines fool!), quick (adding routes so fast it hurts and competes with current router otherwise), and agile (OK…it’s not more agile. But it sounds cool.)”


Nice, even though I hope we move away from the crap hole Rails provides for routing, and use the DSL type stylez of Merb.

I personally hate the style of merb’s routing DSL for a lot of reasons, even if it has cool functionality. Yielding self for that “English effect” is icky.

I agree with Jeremy McAnally that method chaining can be icky sometimes, but it can also work really well. jQuery is a great example (which I initially hated, as I felt it broke all the rules I knew about OOP, but not I love the method chaining). (I happen to like Merb’s routing DSL, but I can see how it’s not for everyone).

For anyone who’s interested in when method chaining works well (or how to implement it), as well as other DSL techniques, I really loved Neal Ford’s RubyConf presentation on Advanced DSLs in Ruby this year:

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