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Ruby 1.9.1 released!

It’s just been announced, 1.9.1 the first stable release of the Ruby 1.9 series has been released:

Ruby 1.9 is a new series of Ruby. It is modern, faster, with clearer syntax, multilingualized and much improved version of Ruby. Ruby 1.8 series has been used since 2003 and many great products were born on it. Today Ruby 1.9 series starts its history as 1.8 series did. Notice that Ruby 1.8 still remains. 1.8.8 will be released this year.


Let the testing and patching begin.

Also, the bcrypt gem is still broken with Ruby 1.9.

Just done an announcement at Ruby Inside that includes a mirror of the download file (since is down right now) and links to various other info as well as a mention of JRuby’s reaction.

The release is also mirrored out through the Ruby project on RubyForge.

Very useful to know for future :)

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