RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Hiring For IT: What We’re Doing Wrong & How To Fix It

HR departments for many technology firms tend to be a bit backwards in the way they evaluate potential hires. OpenRain’s hiring strategy–while admittedly skewed towards finding only top tier entrepreneurial people–follows these steps.


Just a note.. this is a bit borderline for RubyFlow. But since you’ve taken the time, I’m going to leave it up.

Of course, if other readers disagree, do comment :)

Point well taken; will make sure I’m more on-topic in the future. :)

I don’t think it’s necessarily off-topic. My only frustration with posts like these is that the posts seem more marketing- and business-oriented rather than technical, and I can’t relate to business topics as well as I can to technical topics.

Also, indulge my mini-rant, but what’s with people leaving comments about minute details on how the article was written? A missing apostrophe? I’m seeing it more and more. So was the content helpful to him at all?

It’s late and Brendan is cranky. :)

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