RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

50+ Ruby-related Blogs to Read

A list of over 50 Ruby-related blogs of Rubyists and companies, to read.


Good list!

<a href=”>Dynamic50 Web Design and Development in Ruby on Rails</a>

Surprised that Mike Gunderloy’s site, A Fresh Cup isn’t on the list.

I also enjoy reading Matt Todd’s tumblelog. Not only about Ruby, but very interesting anyway:

sigh When will I learn Rf don’t auto-link? Let’s try again: Matt Todd’s tumbelog!</>

More proof that, no, not all geeks can produce HTML :) I guess this is why so many people seem to like Haml, lol.

I’ll try and add that feature, judofyr :)

+1 vote for A Fresh Cup. :)

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