RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Do you read the Rubyist and Rails Magazine?

There are now two magazines dedicated entirely to the subject of Ruby and Ruby on Rails, both of which are free of charge if you’re happy with the electronic version (a PDF).


I read both, and buy both because I like to read things. I thank everyone for all of their work!

I loved the first Rubyist … I don’t remember much of the content, but I bought it to support the community and enjoy reading some kindof tangible Ruby media. I recently ordered the lastest version, when I found out about it.

I haven’t yet read the Rails magazine. But I’m ordering it now!

I’m not a huge fan of tangible media … I like trees more than magazines. But it’s cool to have these around the office to read and hold onto. Put on the coffee table and whatnot :P

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