RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

It looks to me like the Official rails site has been hijacked/expired Anyone else getting redirected to an ad page?


My domain registration service for has fucked up again and parked the domain. Hopefully it’ll be back very shortly!

Time to switch domain registrars. That’s fucking ridiculous.

it’s got a yummy new picture of DHH!

DHH, Thanks for the quick update. Good luck smacking them around.

Yeah. This will give my PHP friends first real reason against Rails ;).

What’s curious is that I’ve not seen be redirected any place else at all today. It’s worked throughout the day for me.

Perhaps this is actually a benefit of having an ISP with overly liberal DNS caching policies, lol!

Peter, Perhaps the real reason the British government is monitoring everything is to so that they can properly route web requests.

Oppression has its benefits!

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