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A Selection Of Thoughts From Actual Women

A Selection Of Thoughts From Actual Women, collected by why the lucky stiff.


Nicely Done.

Like many things, after seeing how why the lucky stiff did it, I wish I did it that way.

Thank you _why. Though it is important to realize, this is no longer about “women.” It is not just women who have a right to be upset that sexism is rampant within our community. That said, hopefully these quotes will help some of the less clueless see that this is not an issue of pr0n. It is an issue of respect, and an issue of marginalization of critical voices with the sweeping hand of “So what? That’s patriarchy, get used to it…”

@ab5tract, my God…please let this die. You’re just sounding like a Monty Python skit now…

@ohpleez: I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now!

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