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Gemstone enters Ruby space: MagLev - Ruby built on Smalltalk VM

InfoQ reports MagLev: Gemstone builds Ruby runtime based on Smalltalk VM. Article contains interview with MagLev Project manager, technical details and comments by Avi Bryant (who’s involved with the project).


Rather unfortunate (and odd) it has the same name as a Ruby Web application framework.

(Not to detract from the project of course, which is good work!)

This actually looks pretty interesting. Hope they do work well with the community, in particular there’ll hopefully be some cross-pollination of ideas with rubinius (which, minus the object persistence is very similar i guess).

This is going to be BIG. Gemstone is an incredibly well architected piece of software, and if somewhere down the road a Gemstone/R comes up, it will be the one and final answer to “Enterprise Ruby”.

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