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Parkaby - a superfast Markaby clone

I’ve finally pushed out Parkaby, the superfast Markaby clone, together with Camping, Rails and Sinatra hooks. Have a look at the README and feel free to ask any questions here or over at my blog.


I think it’s worth noting that the secret to the secret to the speed here, although covered in the README, is the fact that Ruby doesn’t do anything (important) on blocks other than syntax checking - there is no execution. Therefore, judofyr can parse the block as though it were a very handy painting of what the code should do without incurring the interpreter.

(Because I know that someone else is going to ask the same question I did)

First time I’ve actually spent a lot of time on the README, and only five minutes on the blog post.

Yep, the real performance gain against Markaby, Tagz, Builder and Erector is because I’m able to remove the blocks. Deeply nested blocks makes Ruby sloooow.

Does this throw Ruby 1.9 out of the window then? (Just because ED said it wouldn’t be supported on 1.9 any further - but perhaps there’s enough already to go on..)

Peter: You can still use RubyParser in 1.9, so as long as you store your templates as strings/files you should be fine. Rails should have no problems :-)

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