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Why The Lucky Stiff Missing?

It seems that Ruby hero, why the lucky stiff, is missing (or has been the victim of a significant hack). why is mostly known in Ruby land as the creative genius behind things like Hpricot, Hackety Hack, Shoes, RedCloth, and Camping.


This is terrible news. My guess is he is burnt out. Give him some time, he’ll come back, probably changing his favorite language or with his new language.

It was a terrible news to start the day with! I’m personally enjoyed, benefited from his very much!

Most of us got into Ruby programming with _Why’s poignant guide..Nobody could even think of writing such creative book to teach a programming language..

Anyway, wishing all the best to _Why’s life and future endeavors

Thanks to _why, I’ve made it my goal to try to contribute in a way that when I disappear from the webosphere that my absence would cause someone to look up from their work for a few seconds.

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