RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

UI enhancements in RCov 0.9.0

The latest release of RCov (0.9.0) includes significant UI improvements, including… [read inside for more..]


  • Improved layout & readability
  • Row highlighting on mouseover
  • Columns are now dynamically sortable by file name, lines of code, and coverage
  • Ability to dynamically filter results by file location (e.g. controllers vs models) and by coverage % (e.g. < 100% coverage)
  • Better output for printing
  • A new color scheme that accommodates users with color blindness
  • Support for using your own custom CSS in RCov’s HTML output

A full writeup with screenshots is available at and the new version of RCov itself is at its new home on github at

It was a bit long for FP, sorry :)

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