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RuHL - Ruby Hypertext Language

Created to be designer friendly and keep code out of views, RuHL is an HTML parser (using Nokogiri) that utilizes a data-ruhl attribute to make the content dynamic. Has support for Rails and Sinatra.


Looks awful!

If you don’t like RuHL or the many other template options, write your own and open source it as I did. Simple.

Have a nice day. :)

Actually, I really like this idea. Now my designers can build and demo in the browsers the direct templates, and RUHL will use those templates to add data. How very simple and elegant to separate the code in such a way. Thanks for this, I am looking forward to giving it a try.

Yeah, I think this is a neat idea as well - I like the fact that the template files are all valid HTML 5.

Oh, hey, you reinvented Lilu. I hated it :)

…And still do :P

(not bashing against RuHL btw, as you said above, to each its own—just stating that I don’t personally like this approach)

At first glance it would appear that I reinvented Lilu, but if you start to dig a little, there appear to be many differences. I say appear because I could only find a few old posts with little detail on Lilu. Looks like the project is dead (or at least stale)? I did find enough to prefer my approach…imagine that. :)

From what I see, RuHL is quite different than Lilu. Lilu reminds me of using jQuery for DOM manipulation/html replacement. WIth Lilu, your Ruby code needs to have intimate knowledge of the page being served (IDs in particular) – there is no binding between the page and the model. But with RuHL, there is a binding (as specified via the method call of the data-ruhl attribute). The cool part is that this binding does not get in the way of the designer.

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